
Kotak Berbungkus Emas

Seorang ayah memarahi anak perempuannya yang berusia lima tahun, gara-gara anak itu menggunakan satu-satunya kertas kado emas milik keluarga itu untuk membungkus sepatu.

Keesokan harinya anak itu memberikan kotak berbungkus emas itu kepada ayahnya, ketika ia buka kosong. Amarahnya memuncak, kalau kamu memberikan kado kepada seseorang didalamnya harus ada sesuatu !!! bentak si ayah.

Si anak kecil itu menangis.. "Ayah, kotak itu tidak kosong.. aku meniupkan ribuan ciuman kedalam kotak itu sampai penuh, kata si anak itu. Ayahnya terdiam.

Beberapa bulan kemudian, sebuah kecelakaan merenggut nyawa anak kecil itu. Konon, si ayah menyimpan kotak sepatu itu disisi tempat tidur seumur hidupnya. Setiap saat ia merasa kecewa, ia membuka kotak itu dan membayangkan ribuan ciuman yang pernah ditaruh di kotak itu oleh anak perempuannya.

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Eat Pray Love film increases Tourists to Bali

Eat Pray Love film screening, mostly filmed in Bali is expected to increase tourist arrivals to Indonesia.

Minister of Culture and Tourism, Jero Wacik, when met at the show premiere of Eat Pray Love, in Epicentrum Kuningan, South Jakarta, to believe this movie can boost the increase of tourists to Bali up to 30 percent.

"Now the film is finished, it's gala premiere in Hollywood, and has circulated in Europe.'ll Be 20 to 30 percent of tourists in Bali rose," Jero said.

Jero said, the film catapulted participate Balinese name abroad. The reason is, about 70 percent of shooting the film was made in Bali.

Therefore, the Indonesian government was then exploit this to develop tour packages that offer trips to Bali and its attractions in other cities in Indonesia.

"I'll pack Beyond Bali program. So, tourists will travel 10 days, for example to Bali three days after that from Bali to Yogyakarta or Lombok to Komodo or the Pacific or whether it's how many days. Bali we make as bait," he explained.

Hopefully, with a package tour, the tourist objects are not only growing in Bali.
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Around The City of Singapore Together Ducktours

Want to go sightseeing in Singapore but do not know the way? or no tour guides? You can use Ducktours services to accompany your tour in Singapore. You will be taken around the city of Singapore to the amphibious ships that can walk on land and in water.

Tour this one is quite unique, because of this we make a review. By using the duck tour boat, which is a unique amphibious ship, you will be taken for a walk around the city of Singapore either by road or waterway.

The trip will start from Suntec City because it is here basecamp ducktour boat. Then you'll be invited round the Padang (a large grass field at the center of an office in Singapore). You will be able to see views of Singapore city from all directions, where you can see the office buildings towering then you also will be invited to see the important spots in downtown Singapore. Your trip will be accompanied by a tour guide, tour guide in English.

After enjoying the views of the city by land, boat ducktour will descend into the Singapore river. The starting point of the end of the Benjamin Sheares bridge and the ship will move to the Merlion Park where you can see the Merlion Statue with the background of skyscraper buildings.

See map in addition to the full path that will be passed by this tour. This tour will last approximately 1 hour. To purchase tickets, please direct ducktours come to Suntec City and looking for counter Hippo Tour. If you want to get around the city of Singapore any longer and want to visit more interesting places.
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