Takabonerate islands is a sub-district of Selayar Regency, South Sulawesi. There are 9.387 people living in the island with Bajo and Bugis people as the majority. Takabonerate consists of 21 islands divided into 5 villages, Rajuni, Latondu, Tarupa, Jinato, dan Tambuna. Only 7 islands are inhabited.
Takabonerate Islands was appointed as a Natural Reserve in 1989. The protection level of the reserve covering 530.765 hectare land and sea was raised as National Sea Park in 26 February 1992. Since 10 June 2002, Takabonerate became a National Maritime Park.
Takabonerate Islands was appointed as a Natural Reserve in 1989. The protection level of the reserve covering 530.765 hectare land and sea was raised as National Sea Park in 26 February 1992. Since 10 June 2002, Takabonerate became a National Maritime Park.
Takabonerate, a famous atoll complex in South Sulawesi, has been badly destroyed by human activity. It said that a large amount of coral network below its surface was collapsed from fish bombing. The awful fact about this is that its protection status as a National Maritime Park can hardly support both conservation of natural resource and prosperity of its local inhabitants.
Marine Park Taka Bonerate has the third largest coral atoll in the world after the Kwajifein in Marshall Islands and Suvadiva Islands Maldives. Size atoll is approximately 220,000 hectares, with a coral reef flat width of 500 km².
Topography is very unique and interesting area, which consists of atoll islands, reef islands and extensive reef and sinks, forming islands with a considerable amount. Among the reef islands, narrow straits are deep and steep. While on the surface of the reef flat, there are many small ponds in and surrounded by coral reefs. At low tide, is clearly visible and dry land interspersed puddles that formed small pools.
Plants located in coastal areas dominated by the coconut (Cocos nucifera), sea pandanus (Pandanus sp.), Sea pine (Casuarina equisetifolia), and almond (Terminalia catappa).
There are approximately 295 species of reef fish and various species of fish consumption have high economic value such as grouper (Epinephelus spp.), Skipjack (Katsuwonus spp.), Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), and baronang (Siganus sp.). A total of 244 types of mollusks such as trochus (Trochus niloticus), a goat's head shell (Cassis cornuta), triton (Charonia tritonis), batulaga (Turbo spp.), Clams scales (squamosa Tridacna), pearl oysters (Pinctada spp.), And hollow nautilus (Nautilus pompillius).
Come and enjoy the beauty of marine parks Takabonerate, south sulawesi